Help yourself: use these Office 365 features

Need help getting some work done? Microsoft constantly releases new Office 365 features that can give you an edge over the pile of work on your computer. With some of the new Office 365 features, you can Skype over a document with your coworkers, plot charts into Excel with ease, and even sign for a […]

Speed up your Windows 10 updates

In May 2019, Microsoft will be releasing another Windows 10 major update with security patches, bug fixes, and new features. More than improving user experience, these updates will help your organization secure your IT systems. If you can’t afford to let an update be a long and frustrating process, here are some tips that will […]

Warning signs your computer has malware

With the rise of eCommerce and online banking, cybercrime has evolved. Like criminals who pull smash-and-grab jobs, they go where the money is. However, unlike bank robbers, cybercriminals do their best to avoid detection by letting malware do the work for them. Viruses and ransomware sneak into PCs to quietly steal passwords, financial credentials, and […]

5 settings every new iPad owner should change

Apple’s iOS has been through countless updates over the years. It’s hard to keep up with all the new features and settings, so we don’t blame you for feeling overwhelmed with how to set up a new iPad. Although every user has different preferences, there are at least five configurations most people can agree on. […]

Boost your new laptop in 5 steps

Laptops may not be the most powerful computers, but the benefits they provide are undisputable. For one thing, they deliver a similar user experience as your huge desktop PC, but much more conveniently and affordably. But before you reap their many benefits, here are five steps you should take before using them to improve their […]

Web design trends you should follow today

Many small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) nowadays build and maintain their own website to reach more customers. But because a majority of your competitors also have a website, an underperforming site just won’t do. Follow these web design trends to increase web traffic and boost your bottom line. Scrolling Scrolling is a convenient method to […]

What goes into a business continuity plan?

Events out of your control can disrupt your business operations. While you can’t necessarily control the unexpected, you can take some precautions to prevent most business disruptions. Here are some things to consider when developing a business continuity plan (BCP). Backup your data, applications, and servers Today, companies are more dependent than ever on IT […]

The 101 on Android location settings

As you learn about the various features of your Android smartphone, you will come across location services and whether or not you want to approve them. If you think this convenient feature is harmless, think again. Sometimes it’s best to hide your location in your smartphone as this can affect your device’s security. With this […]

What makes hypervisors weak?

Hypervisors have changed the game of cybersecurity. They provide unmatched cyber protection for your data as they keep it in the cloud. However, hypervisors still have vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. Find out how their weak points can be addressed. A hypervisor is a software application that distributes computing resources (e.g., processing power, RAM, storage) […]

VoIP hardphones or softphones for SMBs?

Your company has decided to avail of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and has given you the task of choosing between the two types of phones: traditional desk phones (hardphones) or software-based phones (softphones). To help you decide, we’ll break down the benefits of each type. What’s a hardphone? A hardphone is a desk phone […]